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Swarm Robotics Ppt Download Link
2021. 1. 26. 02:46

<ul><li><p>A Swarm of CarsA theory on autonomous driving algorithms</p></li><li><p>MotivationAutomobile accidents is one of the top 10 killers of people in the USMore and more drivers join the roads each daysafety and efficiency is of primary concernTravel would become less expensive</p></li><li><p>IdeasSeveral theorys have been suggested on how to accomplish this taskThe most prominent use a hierarchical schemeA SWARM system could also prove useful</p></li><li><p>Restrictions on StudyReferring only to highway drivingVehicles using these methods have certain technologies:Speed sensorsRoad vs. off-road sensorsAcceleration rates and stopping speed must be available</p></li><li><p>NeedsSystem must exceed todays safetyFewer collisionsSystem must be comfortableA roller-coaster type ride would not be acceptableSystem must be adaptableReplacing every vehicle on the road is never an option</p></li><li><p>The Answer from the SeaSchools of Fish exhibit all the needs of our system naturallyVery, very, very, very rarely collideMove in smooth motions when not under attackSchools vary in size from 10s to 1,000,000s</p></li><li><p>A little backgroundFish sense obstacles and other fish around them with the Lateral Line SenseWorks similar to our earWe must mimic this with our technology</p></li><li><p>But waitFish schools have already been modeled by computersUsed mostly in Computer GraphicsFish are modeled by using the Flocking behavioral modelMy work has been on adapting this model to fit onto a freeway</p></li><li><p>Three behaviorsThere are three behaviors that a flocking SWARM unit exhibitsSeparationThe tendency of a unit to move away from othersAlignmentThe Tendency of a unit to point in the same direction as othersCohesionThe Tendency of a unit to move towards others</p></li><li><p>SeparationSimple function: V = - mS(1/D)/NV is the placement vectorD is the distance vector between the unit and the obstacleN is the number of obstacles m is a multiplierThis doesnt quite work for our purposes</p></li><li><p>SeparationSeparation zone should not be staticShould be related to the stopping distance at a given speedX = -V^2/2a + b for directly in front of the vehicleSmaller for sides, area behind is irreleventX = sin(T)*-V^2/2a + b for 0 < T < 180, X=b otherwise</p></li><li><p>SeparationVehicles cannot turn aroundTherefore positioning mustbe relative</p></li><li><p>AlignmentAlignment zone should be similarly shapedLargerAlignment Algorithm: Vehicle angle is the average angle of all the units in the alignment zoneAgain, doesnt quite work for our purposesNeed to ignore vehicles traveling in the opposite directionNeed Time Delay</p></li><li><p>CohesionWorks in opposition to Separation algorithmShould be the largest zone, and actively searching for new members to flock withNeed other members to share informationMovement vector is opposite of Separation:V = mSD/N</p></li><li><p>Emergent behaviorEvery member of the flock sees what the members at the front seeMembers move in unisonMembers will avoid obstacles in the same motion</p></li><li><p>ComparisonVs. Hierarchical Network AHSPros:Deployable as an optionNo single point of failureNo tracking movementsCons:No effective way to avoid congestion</p></li><li><p>Questions?</p></li></ul>

Swarm Robotics Ppt Download Link

Swarm Robotics Algorithms
SWARM ROBOT Seminar PPT with PDF: Swarm robotics is a step to go near to the collective robotics which is influenced by the self-organized behavior of social animals. All you need to do is just click on the download link and get it. Wildlife on the heart rare. Swarm Robot PPT and Seminar Free Download. Bulletproof monk full movie in hindi free download 3gp download.
Robotics Ppt Download
Anantika sahir. Swarm engineering is an emerging discipline that aims at de ning systematic and well founded procedures for modeling, designing, realizing, verify- ing, validating, operating and maintaining a swarm robotics system. SWARM ROBOT Seminar PPT with PDF: Swarm robotics is a step to go near to the collective robotics which is influenced by the self-organized behavior of social animals.With the local interactions and the simple rules, the swarm robotics has the goal to design a huge number of robots with the collection of behaviors like flexible, scalable, and robust.
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